OFA Elbows: Normal
98 Lbs.
Black Sable
DM (Carrier)
Holter Report: 0, 0, 0
Storm Runner Shilohs are pleased to announce that our foundation female is from Solace Shiloh Shepherds. Storms Arcadian Wild V Solace or better known as “Cade” or “Arcadia” is out of Solace’s Promise Pi of Kai and Solace’s Lomax Music of IHOSS. She’s a plush coat, black sable with beautiful silver underfur. Arcadia is the perfect combination of “in your pocket personality,” excited to adventure, but will inform us if something is amiss in her domain. She loves to hold paws and is extremely affectionate. She’s a great hiking and fishing buddy but is perfectly content to cuddle on the couch. She has a great sense of humour and a goofy side. Cade is quite the stunning looking lady and has the personality to match!